Mom Fitness Fail

I shared with you all a while back about some big changes coming to the Lego house. It’s not been easy. During the week I am a single, stay-at-home, homeschool mom of four boys. There is no time for going to the gym and no energy to eat healthy. The last two months have been nothing more than survival. I don’t handle change well – especially change I didn’t ask for! – and this has been a massive change.

My sleep patterns are different, I don’t have my gym membership anymore, there’s no one to watch the kids so I can get up early and run, and I’m no longer cooking for grown-ups. My diet is absolute crap. Without the motivation to cook for my hubs, the kids and I eat junk – mostly because it’s easy. My mental energy is being used just acting as the sole caretaker of four little people, so I don’t have the brain power to meal plan like I used to. I have workout equipment that I’m not using because any spare moment I have is spent trying to rest or clean or lesson plan or shower.

Life changes.

Priorities change.

I don’t get to be an athlete right now. (I say “right now” because I do love being an athlete, but this stage of my life doesn’t allow it)

This isn’t the end, but it’s a point where I have to decide what fit and healthy looks like when things get hard. I have been amazingly spoiled with financial means, time, and help from others. I’ve been able to afford good food, I’ve had time to spend working out, and I’ve had people to help me with my kiddos so I can focus on my hobby. I see now how very lucky I’ve been.

What do you do when you don’t have childcare? How do you work out when you’re absolutely exhausted from being “on” 24 hours a day and never getting a full night’s sleep? How do you eat healthy on a budget, with with minimal time and effort?

I don’t know, but I’m going to figure it out.

While I’m frustrated by my current situation, I am prayerfully taking it as a learning opportunity. So far, being the runner girl has been easy…what happens when it gets hard? Who am I when life gets significantly more difficult than it’s ever been?

I hope that I can be a help to you, as someone who now doesn’t have it as easy as I did. I hope I can be someone who can figure all this out and hold your hand along the way…not someone who you look to and say “well, she’s had it all handed to her.”

So, with my wine, PopTarts, Doritos, turkey sandwiches on white bread, and more wine…my goal is to not only make myself healthier and happier, but to help you see that we are all in this together.

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