Real Life Fitness

Earlier this week I posted some “Tips for Success” and I totally stand by those!

But y’all.

Life happens.

I did great Monday and Tuesday. By Tuesday night, though, I was so tired (thanks to some kiddos who decided to tag-team and not let me sleep) I was almost in tears. Wednesday morning, my alarm went off. My clothes were laid out with my workout on a card next to my socks and I just couldn’t do it. I tried to go back to sleep. I couldn’t sleep. I got up and got dressed and found dirty dishes in the sink. I washed the dishes and picked up the living room and by that time it was too late to go to the gym.


The morning was super rough, but before I taught cycle I decided I could squeeze in some time on the elliptical along with BodyPump practice. So I did. And I felt great after!

I’ve spent most of the rest of my day – other than taking care of my normal mom duties – watching (with amazement!) as my second post for the Chattanooga Moms Blog spreads like wildfire. I’ve got a stuffy nose and a belly full of candy (it IS two days after Halloween, after all), so I’ll be getting up a little later in the morning and only doing my weights workout.

I planned.

But I’m being flexible as life happens.

Because, friends, although being fit and healthy is super important, my workouts will never come before my job as wife and mama. If I’m too worn down to take care of my people, then those workouts need to take a back seat. What good is being fit if I’m not using my fit body to serve those I love?

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